Some leaders really rock in emergency situations.  Great leaders make a real difference both tangible and intangible.

Leading the implementation of a solid and well rehearsed emergency plan is essential. Leaders and others at all levels execute on the leadership that precedes the emergency.

While there is a lot for a top leader to keep in top of mind, priorities like protecting life, minimizing loss, anticipating unintended consequences should be automatic and based on a good emergency prep plan.

Here are three things for a top leader in emergency to keep in mind beyond executing the plan.

1.  If you cannot add value in an emergency, shut-up and stay out-of-the-way. Regardless of your position or authority, getting in the way of the solution is not helpful, or worse.

2. Respect the frame of reference of others. As a senior exec or political leader you will have a bigger and broader perspective than many of those your leadership serves and benefits. Remember that in what you say and do. The media will bust you if you don’t.

3.  Know where your essential relationships are who will help. Maintain them when not needed. Access them quickly when needed. Competitors, government and industry leaders can and do bring together incredible technology and resources and collaborate in emergencies.

Character gets naked and visible in emergencies. I’m the Outsider and that’s what I think.